Hey, I’m Artem!

Write me, ask me anything,
follow me on Twitter, Mastodon, GitHub, or Dev.to,
or keep reading about me:

I write about frontend development

Sometimes, I also speak on conferences.

I do things sometimes

  • Squirrelsong

    Dark and light themes for web developers

    Color scheme

  • Todo Tomorrow

    Highlight TODO, HACK, FIXME, etc. comments

    VSCode extension

  • Emoji Console Log

    Insert `console.log()` statements with a random emoji

    VSCode extension

  • New File Now

    Create new files from the command palette

    VSCode extension

  • Notebox

    Take quick notes in the panel

    VSCode extension

  • Blank Sky

    Beautiful twilight sky inspired new tab page

    Browser extension

  • Named CSS colors

    All named CSS colors on one page


  • React Styleguidist

    React component development environment

    Open source

  • Mrm

    Codemods for your project config files

    Open source

  • React Group

    Render React children with a separator

    Open source

  • Richtypo

    Typography enhancer for Node.js

    Open source

  • Textlint rules

    Check and fix your tech writing with Textlint

    Open source

  • git-friendly

    Scripts for better Git workflow (maintainer)

    Open source

See many more projects on GitHub.

I make photos of trees, buildings, and things

Saxon Switzerland forest, Germany
Dawn in Berlin, Germany
Foggy Berliner Dom, Germany
Sunrise in Rome, Italy

See more of my photos and my photography zine.

I learn how to cook great food

Tres leches cake
Svekolnik (cold borscht)
Cottage cheesecake

My favorite cuisines to cook are Russian, Mexican, Korean, and Italian. And my girlfriend and I are collecting recipes.

I make things from leather

Leather goods I have made

Check out my digital leather patterns on Etsy.

I drink lots of coffee


No milk, no sugar, preferably filter. Dark and bitter, like life. Check out my pour over coffee timer.

I may (or may not) look like this

Artem Sapegin is making a photo
Artem Sapegin is drinking coffee
Artem Sapegin is making a photo

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