Washing your code: avoid comments

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Some developers never comment their code, and some comment too much. The former kind believes that the code should be self-documenting, the latter kind read somewhere that they should always comment their code.

Both are wrong.

I don’t believe in self-documenting code. Yes, we should rewrite unclear code to make it more obvious, and use meaningful and correct names, but some things can’t be expressed by the code alone.

Commenting too much isn’t helpful either: comments start to repeat the code, and instead of helping to understand it, they introduce noise and repetition.

#Getting rid of comments (or not)

There’s a popular technique for avoiding comments: when we want to explain a block of code in a comment, we should move this piece of code to its own function instead.

It’s often a good idea to extract complex calculations and conditions used inside an already long line of code:

if (
  platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') > -1 &&
  browser.toUpperCase().indexOf('IE') > 1 &&
  this.wasInitialized() &&
  this.resize > 0
) {
  return true;

Here, we could extract the conditions into their own functions or variables with meaningful names:

const isMacOs = platform.toUpperCase().includes('MAC');
const isIE = browser.toUpperCase().includes('IE');
const wasResized = this.resize > 0;
if (isMacOs && isIE && this.wasInitialized() && wasResized) {
  return true;

Now, the condition is shorter and more readable because names help us to understand what the condition does in the context of the code. However, I don’t think that splitting a function into multiple just because it’s “long” makes the code more readable.

Info We talk about code splitting in more detail in the Divide and conquer, or merge and relax chapter.

#Good comments

Comments are useful to answer why code is written in a certain, sometimes mysterious, way:

  • If the code is fixing a bug or is a workaround for a bug in a third-party library, a ticket number or a link to the issue will be useful.
  • If there’s an obvious simpler alternative solution, a comment should explain why this solution doesn’t work for this case.
  • If different platforms behave differently, and the code accounts for this, it should be also mentioned in a comment.

Such comments will save us from accidental “refactoring” that makes code easier but removes some necessary functionality or breaks it for some users.

High-level comments, explaining how code works, are useful too. If the code implements an algorithm, explained somewhere else, a link to that place would be useful. However, if a piece of code is too difficult to explain and require a long convoluted comment, maybe we should rewrite it instead.

And any hack should be explained in a hack comment:

// HACK: Importing defaultProps from another module crashes
// Storybook Docs, so we have to duplicate them here
static defaultProps = {
  label: '',

Info You may encounter various styles of hack comments: HACK, XXX, @hack, and so on, though I prefer HACK.

Todo comments are also okay (more like okayish) too if they contain a ticket number when something will be done. Otherwise, they are just dreams that will likely never come true. Unless a dream is exactly what we want to document: a desire that the code was doing more than it does — error handling, special cases, supporting more platforms, minor features, and so on — but it wasn’t implemented due to, probably, lack of time.

// TODO: On React Native it always returns DEV, since there's
// no actual location available
const getEnvironment = (hostname = window.location.hostname) => {
  if (hostname.includes('qa.')) {
    return Environment.QA;
  if (hostname.includes('example.com')) {
    return Environment.PROD;
  return Environment.DEV;

Tip Maybe we should start using DREAM comments for such cases…

Comments can make code more intentional. Consider this example:

try {
} catch {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty

Here, we’re disabling the linter complaining about missing error handling. It’s, however, unclear why the error handling is missing.

We can make the code clearer by adding a comment:

try {
} catch {
  // Ignore errors


try {
} catch {
  // TODO: Handle errors

Now, it’s clear whether we intentionally ignore errors or we want to add error handling in the future.

Info You may encounter various styles of todo comments: TODO, FIXME, UNDONE, @todo, @fixme, and so on, though I prefer TODO.

However, there’s a type of todo comments I don’t recommend — comments with expiration date:

// TODO [2024-05-12]: Refactor before the sprint ends

We can check these todo comments with unicorn/expiring-todo-comments linter rule, so our build will fail after the date mentioned in the comment. This is unhelpful because it usually happens when we work on an unrelated part of the code, and so we’re forced to deal with the comment right away — most likely by adding another months to the date.

There are other conditions in the unicorn/expiring-todo-comments rule that might be more useful, for example, dependency version:

// TODO [react@>=18]: Use useId hook instead of generating
// IDs manually

This is a better use case because it’s going to fail only when someone updates React, and fixing such todos should probably be part of the upgrade.

Tip I made a Visual Studio Code extension to highlight todo and hack comments: Todo Tomorrow.

#Bad comments

We’ve talked about useful comments. However, there are many more kinds of comments that we should never write.

Probably the worst kind of comments are comments explaining how code works. They either repeat the code in a more verbose language or explain language features:

// Fade timeout = 2 seconds
const FADE_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000;
// This will make sure that your code runs
// in the strict mode in the browser
'use strict';

Code comments aren’t the best place to teach teammates how to use certain language features. Code reviews, pair programming sessions, and team documentation would be more suitable and efficient.

Next, fake comments: they pretend to explain some decision, but they don’t explain anything, and often blame someone else for poor code and tech debt:

// force 24 hours formatting for Chinese and Korean
const hour12 = locale === 'zh' || locale === 'ko' ? false : undefined;

I see lots of these comments in one-off design “adjustments”. For example, a comment will say that there was a design requirement to use a non-standard color but it won’t explain why it was required and why none of the standard colors worked in that case:

.shareButton {
  color: #bada55; // Using non-standard color to match design

And by lots I mean really plenty:

// Design decision
// This is for biz requirements
// Non-standard background color needed for design
// Designer's choice
// Using non-standard color to match design

Requirement is a very tricky and dangerous word. Often what’s treated as a requirement is just a lack of education and collaboration between developers, designers, and project managers. If we don’t know why something is required, we should always ask, and the answer could be flabbergasting!

There may be no requirement at all, and we can use a standard color from the project theme:

.shareButton {
  color: $text-color--link;

Or there may be a real reason to use a non-standard color, that we may put into a comment:

$color--facebook: #3b5998; // Facebook brand color
.shareButton {
  color: $color--facebook;

In any case, it’s our responsibility to ask why as many times as necessary.

Same with comments that explain conditions: there may be no need for a special case, and we could remove the whole condition with its comment.

Info We talk about removing conditions in the Avoid conditions chapter.

Start thinking about:

  • Replacing a comment with a meaningfully-named function.
  • Removing comments that don’t add anything that’s not already in the code.
  • Asking why documented requirement or decision exists in the first place.

Read other sample chapters of the book:

If you have any feedback, drop me a line at artem@sapegin.ru, @sapegin@mastodon.cloud, @iamsapegin, or open an issue.

Preorder the book now with 20% discount!

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